Miss Crady is an approved vendor with:
ILEAD, Inspire, Springs, Compass, Epic, Sage Oak, Excel

Courses with Office Hours
These courses are broken into two 15 week semesters. Students are able to work at their own pace to complete the curriculum in the time allotted. There are suggested deadlines however families have complete freedom to speed up and slow down as necessary. If you are looking for high quality Math with tons of freedom, this is the program you are looking for.
Students have open office hours Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings to get support and ask questions.

Available Programs:
The following are the courses that will be offered for the 2024-25 school year:

+ 6th Grade Math
+ 7th Grade Math
+Pre -Algebra
+ Algebra 1
+ Geometry
Miss Crady is a Licensed and Authorized Teacher for All Things Algebra
Online classes are paid lump sum up front